Matakana 1921 |
 The Whangateau Harbour |
 Bidrsall bullock teams |
 Warkworth 1920s |
 Matakana 2010 |
 No organic back then |
 St Andrews Presbyterian Church – Matakana Country Park |
 St Andrews Church |
 Big Omaha – site of the second shipyard |
 Looking towards the mouth of the Whangateau Harbour from the Big Omaha wharf – recently restored |
 Looking up river from the Big Omaha wharf |
 The Meiklejohn Bridge at Big Omaha |
 John & Cordelia’s home 2010 |
 The head of the Mahurangi River |
 The Mahurangi River towards Warkworth |
 Looking downstream on the Tamuhunga Stream – site of first shipyard – close to home |
 The falls on the Tamuhunga Stream |
 The basin on the Tamuhanga Stream – towards the falls |
 David Darroch’s shipyard at Omaha |
 Overlooking the Darroch shipyard |
 Work in progress Darroch yard |
 Darroch shipyard |
 The gravestone of JSM in the Symonds Street cemetery in Auckland |
 Headstones at the Matakana Cemetery |
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 The sides of the Meiklejohn cairn – Whangateau Cemetery |
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